Well, my take on it is that firstly - we can't look through the lens of the illusion political spectrum - because for those who are implementing it - there is none. Right and left are only meant for "the peasants". Secondly, if you want to implement a AI-driven totalitarian surveillance state - your biggest obstacle to that is the sceptics and the ones who will stand their ground and say no- the ones who are looking for signs for that. The people who are critical to big government, the people who are unjabbed or critical of covid and lockdowns. Those are your biggest obstacle - if you want to implement a total AI-surveillance state - your biggest chance of success is targeting these people with a scam that will get them on board - the other people have shown that they are not putting up a fight - the ones who do will have to be the targets of the scam. So you need to put on a show of resistance to the thing you are manipulating your target into walking into. If the democrats would have won they'd never would have been able to pull this off so easily because the right would have boiled over and put up so much resistance.

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Brilliant stuff. Sadly, I couldn't agree more. No, you're not paranoid and have accurately judged the situation in my view. I see it too as do an increasing number of people, thankfully. Thank you for your very valuable contribution.

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Thank you!

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Thank you, sometimes when you really see how crazy it all is you kind of wonder, could things really be this fucking bad? Or am I loosing my shit? (hence the name) ^^ Yea, at least when you're offline sanity still prevails mostly - online is a shitstorm and i think an orchestrated one. Thanks again

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It is great to see my favorite authors commenting on this post. You guys have been an inspiration for me to start writing about this false left-right paradigm. Please consider reading my posts. It is my attempt to make this platform a two-way communication channel!


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This piece has to go to Whitney Webb. Concision is not her cup of tea, but same spirit here.

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All the same Iain, I am joining me to your words. I was hoping that you would have read that analysis and I was going to send it to you and to others journalist I respect. May Godot speed that bandwagon!

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fuck. this is the article i wish i wrote. bravo.

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fuck. best compliment ^^ Much appreciated, hope you'll enjoy part 2 dropping tonight equally much!

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I agree! Well done. It seems like many people are seeing this false left/right theater marching us into technocracy and it can't be written about enough. This concept inspired me to start writing and posting this week. If you are interested, please consider checkout my writings.


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Thanks, and i agree - it can't be written about enough. Thats great, i'll check it out when i get some free time!

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LOL So do I! But I would have been less insightful. Wonderful work.

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Unfortunately, I agree with the analysis. This realisation was also created, among other things, by reading the various books by David Icke.

Despite the seriousness....thank you very much for the excellent work!


One of the keys to get up with the situation and gain positive insights for this dysoptic scenario is our personal spiritual development (recommendation: google Dr. Joe Dispenza).

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Thank you, I've been following Davids work since 2013 when I saw him live - he's an absolute legend in the space - one of few people ready to stand totally alone and firm in what he beleives to be true.

Thank you for your reading and sharing.

I read becoming supernatural from Dr. Joe d a few years years ago as well and loved it, great recommendation!

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what has Dr Joe said about this situation?

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Dr Joe Dispenza “offers” the "counter-movement" or alternative philosophy to trans- and post-humanism. It is based on the findings of quantum physics. The trans- or especially the posthumanist technologists seem to completely negate or repress the philosophical findings from quantum physics (= quantum field).

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is there anywhere you can point me to where Dr Joe D discusses this?

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Here is an excellent video with his voice, in which he explains the power of quantum physics: https://youtu.be/uB3OlvVpVYs?si=iT8pWHkyns0PHQYn

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I'm reminded of what Lee Camp (+Chris Hedges adjacently) said in his recent podcast episode: "The Mafia state can't be reformed. Mafia Capitalism always leads to a mafia state - rephrased, capitalism always leads to a mafia state"

Yes, the "corrupt facade democracy" and the tech elite are both Mafia. You are giving the tech elite too much credit in my view. They are being controlled by satanic/demonic/occult forces (Rothchilds etc..) We should be doing more to expose those forces, Wayne McRoy may be the foremost expert on that subject. He refers to them (Mafia) as the global death cult.

Anyway, I think we all agree that the lesson is to educate, expose, and resist. We need to be more unified in those efforts. Perhaps an invite only telegram group to get like minds in the same room would be helpful.

-Roy Ray

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In aware of what you're referring to. My son with this article was to go just as deep down the rabbit hole as necessary to prove my point.

Yea i agree, we need to unify and be clear headed and get not to jump to quick to conclusions - there really is 3D chess being played on multiple levels so we need to stay sharp and alert so we don't walk into traps.

It's a good suggestion,

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The triumph is of the satanists. The technocracy only triumphs by proxy.

Your chess board is skewed. Your argument should be that the satanists have us checkmated - technocracy are the pawns of the satanists.

We can't solve anything until we agree who we are fighting against.

I don't think we are checkmated. We must move in a moral direction. Individually first. I'll meet you there.

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As I said, when writing this article i was attempting to reach a more main stream audience. Naming them as satanists would make peoples eyes roll because they are far from there. You got to lead people to outlandish conclusions slowly and on a logical path holding their hand - that's the only way to do it.

It doesn't matter what we call them at this point; satanists, psychopaths, evil motherfuckers - what we need to is to identify the players and point out what they are doing and what they are about to do.

I don't think we're checkmated either, but they are attempting to lead us to a check mate. I agree, we must definately move in a moral direction! Meet you there! :)

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I agree. We cannot shovel the shit in normies eyes leave and say do what you can...

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Like the Rothchilds.

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Excellent point! I am a big fan of James Corbett's segment, Solutions Watch. He is always trying to remind people that it's not all doom and gloom, we also offer eachother hope and solutions!

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Thanks! I'll check that out. Both poles are extreme right now as they must/should be. There is high doom and gloom which necessitates the need for high hope and solutions.

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I totally agree! However, I must admit, I do tend to be drawn to the doom and gloom. And my first attempts at writing here on substack are admittedly doomy and gloomy, lol, I do try to balance that with hope and optimism in my life! Please consider checking out my posts. I am hoping to use substack as a tool for two way conversation rather than passive consumption as I have other social media.


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You are absolutely correct and the demonic hierarchy and influence is explained perfectly in, "Truth is a Lonely Warrior" by James Perloff. It is an absolute must read. He puts all the puzzle pieces in place.

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You can beat centralized power structures peacefully through decentralization. Much like how Napster beat the music giants. How the decentralized news of podcasts and youtube and substack have destroyed centralized media. And how Bitcoin has become the largest Network in human history.

I am repeating my other post here, but we can decentralize ourselves and use technology ourselves too. This isn't all the deep state's plan. They didn't want to lose control of the narrative.

If the rise of technology can enable total control to the state, yes. But it could also be used to enable total control by the people. We can - and should - build new high trust platforms that are decentralized and transparent that work to control our representatives and regain control of our systems by the people directly.

We should also consider using collective "swarm" intelligence systems to run them because they work for group problem solving way better than any other system we know of.

We "uncorrupt" government in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Make new high-trust transparent systems (Network States) that we build and control 100% as citizens, then migrate to them as a place to solve problems together and block out the propaganda and noise around us.

Step 2: Use Human Swarm Intelligence and/or think tanks (idea labs) to problem solve and control the direction of the new high-trust systems in a decentralized, highly aligned, careful, and educated way.

Step 3: Plug our new high-trust systems into our current corrupted systems in order to fix them.

Like this:


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This may be the "nerd reich's" vision for the future, but it doesn't mean it will play out the way they imagine, no matter how sophisticated the tools.

I see hope rising from the "surplus" class, those left outside the realm of noble AI, who nonetheless have to survive.

And chaotic as their efforts may be initially, they will manage to come up with some ingenious ideas, ultimately saving humankind when AI dystopia collapses.

Because collapse it will, you can safely bet your head on that, it's called entropy and it's law number one in the cosmos.

And if history is anything to go by, totalitarian regimes' life spans and technological advancement are in reverse analogy, that is, the mightier they seem and the more technology they possess, the faster they fall.

Train your children in hand crafts, hunting, gardening, and most importantly hacking.

We're gonna need a lot of that

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Yea, maybe that's our path. But hopefully we can direct it through a softer landing where we give the power back to the people and we use it wisely. I'm prepared for all outcomes, Eutopia or Dystopia - and welcome whichever needs to happen - but my personal preference would definately be Eutopia! ^^

Perhaps that the universe is increasing is entropy is just part of the scam? What if we as units of consciousness move towards less and less entropy - as systems we organize better, cooperate better, become more loving, understanding and wise - hence reduce the chaos within and without - thus our entropy decreases. And that's actually the path of the universe - an ever decrease in entropy and more complex patterns of cooperation.

Thank you for your take!

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Entropy and order are symbiotic, they don't work independently. The moment one ceases to exist, so will the other.

The yin and yang in eastern philosophy, god and satan in western religions, force and counterforce in science, the composition of life and the decomposition of death.

What makes you think that entropy is decreasing?

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I'm seeing entropy a little bit different. I see consciousness as an information system. For such a system to survive and evolve, it must reduce its entropy.

High entropy in consciousness means disorder, fear, ego, and lack of understanding—essentially, a less functional, less coherent consciousness.

Low entropy means order, love, cooperation, and understanding—traits that enhance the system’s effectiveness and sustainability.

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what about the nano tech?

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I think the fundamental problem is the "resistance" cannot provide a positive vision for the future, it's almost always a reactionary implication towards anarchism, libertarianism or some half a** notion of conservatism all of which are dead end enlightenment era world views that cannot justify themselves nor bridge the gap of class, race and ethnic differences, nor can they provide any genuine answers to the theological question of man's existence beyond an ironic sense of Luciferianism.

An this begs the question, you speak of "freedom" but to what end? There's been plenty of "freedom" in terms of open borders, degeneracy, and every other bio-Marxist obsession, all which anarchism and libertarianism can't even begin to argue against. It's not a coincidence that the vast majority of people on 4chan used to be ancaps and libertarians 20 years ago and they all have since abandoned it for something along the lines of national socialism, fascism, theocracy, Christian Nationalism and monarchism.

Now what do all of those provide that anarchism and libertarianism fail to provide in their ideal philosophical scenarios? They all can provide a clear positive vision for the future, an end state that goes beyond mere economics and radical individualism and all of these systems allow for the rightful existence of the state and a leader to act in the interests of the nation independent from foreign interests, bankers, capitalists and liberal bs.

As to how the problems with technocracy are going to be solved? Outside of Divine intervention, you would need to see a 1930's level nationalist revolutionary movement being led by someone like José Antonio, Engelbert Dollfuss or Corneliu Codreanu and they would have to be so fanatically committed to the cause that you couldn't threaten them with death, prison or poverty.

Until then the resistance is stuck in it's own trilectic, of judeo-populism (maga), anti-organizational truthers, and the dissident right. One is controlled opposition, one rejects hierarchies so they can't organize, and the other is basically in an internal civil war until the religious question is settled.

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Your absolutely right, but there are a few of us who have a strong, practical and doable positive vision for the future and a way out of this. But there are not many people yet, she that group needs to grow fast.

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This is a very good primer for the uninitiated on this topic. Everything you write is true, including your urgency.

There is, however, no way to sanctify the technostructure. Databases will always be used to track, trace, and surveil. AI will always be used to usurp human agency and dignity. Always-on bidirectional data connections in smartphones will always be used to build psychological and personal dossiers. This is the purpose for which the technostructure exists, our being able to use it for our betterment is but a temporary side-effect.

It's the very ethos of the technostructure to do these things - like trying to reform McDonald's into a health food store, it's a laudable idea but that's not why McDonald's exists.

You also can't destroy McDonald's. It's a multinational Empire. But you can stop eating there. If enough people do, you might even be able to get rid of the McDonald's in your town.

A form of radical asceticism is the only way this changes. Taking your lumps, saying no to these technologies, living a simpler life, and networking with others who are willing to do the same. The opportunity in Network State Neofeudalism is that it creates transnational infrastructure with hyperlocal governance. They have no plans for what happens locally if governance systems don't use their infrastructure rails, except of course killing people at scale.

The goal now is to build enough parallel infrastructure to make mass murder untenable for the technostructure.

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Thank you. I'm not sure i totally agree that theres not a version of reality where we can co-exist and thrive alongside technology - but perhaps you are right.

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To paraphrase Thoreau, "I want no government at all, but men have to be prepared for it."

It would be great to have a world in which this technology could be used responsibly by both its creators and the end-users, but we're very far from that world. The sad reality is most people enjoy their Faustian bargain with the Transhuman Technocrats.

The Network Noosphere will always be a turnkey totalitarian system, so even if we managed to find a balance here and now, every subsequent generation would basically have to fight this all over again or be eternally vigilant, which is a lot for us to ask of them.

I hope I am wrong! I like reading articles like yours on the Internet :)

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"build enough parallel infrastructure to make mass murder untenable" I am not sure there is anything that makes mass murder untenable to the parasite class. Do the Maths on the current and historical 10's of millions maybe even billions so far.

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You may be right, but we have to try. The only other option is to convince the parasite class to hand over or dismantle their infrastructure of control, which is even less likely.

At the very least there is historical precedent for a mix of parallelism and kinetic action in toppling former Communist Bloc States. Poland and Romania in particular are good examples.

Prayer is also tremendously important but I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.

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I have been thinking this for a very long time and had wanted to write an article like you have just done.

This is an incredible analysis and is extremely well written. Well done.

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Thank you, glad it resonated despite the bleek content!

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You are on target. Have you investigated Elon Musks grandfather, Dr. Haldeman and how he was the Director of the crypto-fascist organisation known as Technocracy Incorporates and had for the Canadian Parliament with the Social Credit Party and was an advocate for a Universal Basic Income?

Most interestingly is that in 1938 Technocracy Incorporated released their policy document titled: The Energy Certificate and advocated for the abolition of the financial system and for it to be replaced by a system where an individuals value would be measured based upon their energy production verse their energy consumption.

Sound familiar?

This is why there is a push for EV’s and homes are being fitted with Smart Meters and why household appliances have energy ratings.

I will have article out on Monday about it.

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Hold on to the I Am

AI will never solve the hard problem of Consciousness

AI is a tool of ego... that project manager of mind that replaces ignorance with the knowledge it grasps and stores... twirling it between greedy fingers, like some Golom, marveling at it’s supposed brilliance, proudly, before it’s body mind’s eyes; only to claim that it has great value ; all the while unable to comprehend that ignorance and knowledge and the knowing of ignorance exist together within the temporal fleeting pleasures of ego’s false perception.

Knowledge isn’t all it’s promised to be; sure you are no longer in a state of ignorance; and now you know what ignorance really was all about... but ask yourself...to whom does this knowledge arise... now that’s going to lead you to Eternal Awareness and that is who you are... everything else has an expiration date...so how much is your “temporal knowledge” going to produce on that final date?

Die to the false self was the message Paul sent to the Colossians; reminding them that he died daily for the truth ... the Divine Awareness of Being...

I Am That I Am... Your only true nature

The waking state and dream state are mental projections ...temporary projections upon the Eternal Conscious Awareness...

“Go back the way you came”...Ramana Maharshi

“Find out where you were eight days before you were conceived and stay there”...Nisargadatta

Who also stated...

“Throw the body out like dirty bath water”

Everything in the created universe of these modern electrically technocratic times is the ultimate Artificial display of

Artificial Existence/Intelligence...

I see what you see and recommend rejecting the self ignorant leadership because they haven’t a clue to what is real. Never follow anyone who cannot answer the fundamental human question

Who are you? Believe me they have nothing to offer humanity except the gear to trek upon the road to perdition.

May we all realize the Self and escape the madness of God’s own problematic idiots.

There exists only the Divine...be kind to others, you are being kind to yourself... adopt the dress of service to the Divine as you walk among the Divine...In Him we live and move and have our Being. ✌🏼❤️🙏🕉

As a disclaimer: I peer through the window of Advaita Vedanta

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Thank you for this - staying present as the I AM surely is the only way through - as always :) When i don't remember i serve you, when i do remember, I AM you.

I am the conquering presence commanding peace, love and harmony

I am the balancing breath.

I am the only all powerful presence in my mind, my body and my world.

I am thy sight that sees all things visible and invisible. I am thy hearing, listening to the bells of freedom, which I hear now. I am thy ability, sensing the most ravishing fragrance at will. I am the completeness of all perfection.

I am the miracle and I am the presence compelling its manifestation through Devine Love, Wisdom and Power.

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Yes. That’s beautiful.

I love the synchronicity of the whole and every waking state holds Grace out to us for the path forward. Looking for it becomes a wonderful relationship with Self. So after reading your most wonderful effort today; after dinner I checked into YouTube to see about the fate of those living in wartime. The feed sent me this piece from a favorite; miss Whitney Webb had this to say about AI and Eric Schmidt and Henry K.

She’s helped me understand the things you are seeing...✌🏼❤️🙏🕉

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Yes Brother. This is the ultimate truth, and the only that matters. Remembering the Self. I peer more the christ lens, so I would say.... live as love and the ultimate will be revealed ;)

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We can't thank Trump enough for his contribution to our campaign for global control. The way he pulled off that ear-assassination pantomime was both hilarious and breathtaking- Some of the worst daytime TV soap opera acting ever seen- But that's exactly what was needed to compound the collective inner-shame of self-deception.

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Yea - i was immediately sceptical - it was just to perfect and to dramatized.

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Trump lied about the blood on his hand when he grabbed his ear. Slow motion shows none! Of course, the deception could not have be played without the co-operation of the Establishment. Real assassins probably wouldn't have missed and if the first shot did miss a volley would have followed in a crossfire.

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I see Trump being NIxon except for higher stakes. Nixon saves us from the DEM / LEFT Stalinist Weathermen and then implements an ultra Statist transformation of the USA under Rockefeller dictat!

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Responsible STATISM instead of DEM / LEFT Stalinism!

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Thank you, i'll add that to the list !

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His 'Power of Nightmares' should be required viewing prior to reaching the age of majority: https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/the-power-of-nightmares-13-the-rise-of-the-politics-of-fear/

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I hope you see the irony of using AI generated "artwork" to illustrate your article.

I do and it made me laugh.

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Yes of course. But I am not inherently "anti-ai" - I am just inherently anti the misuse of AI.

But yea, it's a bit funny :)

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Using AI "artwork" is a co-opting of human creativity.

Amazon is limiting individual "authors" to three books a day in uploads because so many "authors" are using AI to write for them it has enabled the "authors" to be grossly prolific.

"I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes." - J. Maciejewska

I think that makes both our points. Though I must say, when pushed for time, if I see AI "art" illustrating a writer's work, I have passed it over on the chance the article is also written by AI.

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Well, my images here are all from Google images. If their ai or not I don't care I just wanted something to represent a point. And misuse and replacement of human creativity is a problem - but one can also make the argument that it democratizes creation for people who have a creative idea they want realized but lack the time or resources to make it happen - a single mother working two jobs and write children stories on her free time for instruktioner and using AI to create images for them. I don't think I see anything inherently wrong with that.

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You can easily choose illustrations made by people as AI on google images.

If you prefer AI "art" to human art that's your preference.

It isn't necessary to be capable of drawing or painting yourself. There are many artists who give their work freely for anyone to use.

AI "art" doesn't afford democratization of art. It apes it and conditions people to equate it with human creation. Which is a lie.

And, no, I don't agree with introducing AI "artwork" to young children as an equivalent to human made art. I think young children need guidance to discern what is human from what is machine.

Why would any child then take the time to learn how to paint and draw if AI is "just as good" and can do it for them? To really look at the world around them and learn how to draw a bird or paint a sunrise through trial and error? Why go to all that trouble? Endure the frustration and failures to learn? Why? When AI can "do it better"? Can express for the child what they want to express without all that effort?

And what does that say to a child about their own creative efforts? That a machine can "do it better" so why bother making that childish drawing for your mother when you can pop out an AI perfected piece of "art" for mommy?

If the hypothetical single mother needs to use AI generated "art" to illustrate her book for children that is primarily visual, as children's books are, then why not use AI generated text as well? That saves even more time and illustrates the thought behind the quote above.

It gives the single mother more time to wash those dirty dishes and do that pile of laundry.

And that is how human creativity is co-opted and devalued by AI substitutes.

If you value your writing why don't you value other art forms?

Why not use AI to write your articles? It's just as good. Maybe better and would save you time.

Is the answer that the process of expressing creativity and oneself is of equal or even more value than the end result?

I see nothing democratic in allowing AI to co-opt human creativity in the name of ease or convenience.

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I understand your point - but i think you are being to extremist in your supposition.

Firstly - not all endeavours have to be "works of art". Some can just be for fun right now. For instance, the single mother just wrote a kids story and wanted some goofy pictures to represent them.

- She is not saying it is equivalent to human art. She is not saying this image is the standard of anything - she just wants to quickly make her children smile while telling her goofy story.

Secondly, to your question "Why would any child then take the time to learn how to paint and draw if AI is "just as good" and can do it for them?"

- Art is not something one compares - this is better than that - things are just different.

- Kids would take the time to learn to paint and draw because painting and drawing is fun and rewarding. Generating an image with ai could certainly also be fun for a child - but absolutely not in the same way.

- And showing your mum something you have drawn is just natural and kids don't care about if its good or bad or any of the sorts. They just like to draw and connect with mum and feel proud about their creation.

"If the hypothetical single mother needs to use AI generated "art" to illustrate her book for children that is primarily visual, as children's books are, then why not use AI generated text as well?"

- Because perhaps she likes to write - childrens books arent primarily visual - perhaps baby books are, but not childrens books - childrens books are primarily story telling and suppose to paint a picture in the childs mind - at least the good stories are. Sometimes a little visual aid can help keep the childs attention or something like that but it shouldnt detract from the primary job of the story to activate the childs imagination.

Just because you would, in this case, want to add some images to a story - it doesn't mean now you want to outsource the entire project.

Human creativity is only co-opted if you are lazy, want it to and let it. Otherwize there are many tools that can aid you in your own creative endeavour. It's like someone from the classical era saying to people who use computers to create electronic music that the computer is co-opting there creativity. Which is false - for these people, the computer is unlocking their creativity in a different avenue.

It has nothing to do with valueing this art form or that - it's just different ways of using what you have to do something creative - which is a collaborative process with your surrounding environment. It's up to the mind how creative the process is.

One can sit with a piece of paper in front them and do fuck all. Another can draw, or fold or cut and create amazing things with it - it's not the tool or the object that enables the creativity - it's the mind interacting with the tool or object.

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"We need development that harnesses technology's possibilities without surrendering control to an elite that has shown zero interest in humanity's common good. We need modernization that doesn't eliminate our freedom, efficiency that doesn't require total surveillance."

So what are the tangible, practical steps towards making that happen?

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I don't really know except to build a better alternative and make it so appealing that even the most indoctrinated of people would want it - and demonstrate it. I beleive we as humans can only see so far down the line, which is not very far at all - and that we need to learn to trust that our intuition will guide us to the right places at the right times if we are willing and open to listening and ready to do the work required of us.

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A rejection of the surveillance state is a crucial place to start. AI, when left on the internet, is problematic but not an existential threat. It is only when the powers-that-be start creating interfaces between AI and reality that we are truly endangered. Fight the technocracy by rejecting the surveillance state. Even something as simple as the regular use of cash is helpful.

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In reading this article you can see that the people have taken their eye off the ball.

I have been told, and many believe that this is a Spiritual battle. In this article you see

The people trying to solve their own problem. It doesn't work that way. The people have left

God out of the picture. Read the book of 2nd Chronicles in the bible and you will find

Kings that failed at their job and ones that rose to success. What was the difference?

When they got on their knees, humbled themselves before God, and determined to do

things God's way, then they were blessed with success. If they failed to seek God's

will, then they were doomed to fail.

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Turning away from God, however one define that ultimate governing power, is definately what has gotten on into this mess in the first place and one thing the power that is looking to subjugate us is always distracting us from realizing.

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No, your're not. They are.. megalomaniacs,,,

It is a very real danger.


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Yes, they absolutely are. Thank you!

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